
Auckland FC creates Fan Representative Group  

Auckland FC is proud to have created its inaugural Fan Representative Group (FRG). The FRG is designed to provide fans with a direct line into the club to share feedback, ideas, and for the club to keep fans updated and consult on any changes.  

Being first and foremost a community club, we have set up the FRG to ensure that all voices are heard. Whether you are a family attending the game with young children or a loud and proud member of The Port, the group is made up of passionate Auckland FC fans from all over the city and all backgrounds. 

The FRG will meet at least four times a year and currently consists of eight members with space available for two more.

Our first FRG was held at the end of November where the initial start to the season was discussed and the results of a recent membership survey shared.  

Ellerslie FC Chairman Tim Adams was elected Chair of the FRG. As chair, Tim will also take part in the A-Leagues FRG alongside members from the 12 other clubs. The A-Leagues FRG is chaired by Commissioner of the A-Leagues Nick Garcia.  

Similar to the club’s FRG, the A-Leagues FRG provides fans with the chance to debate and discuss the running of the league and provide input on any proposed changes.  

The FRG is your way to shape the future of Auckland FC. If you have any feedback, you are keen to share about the running of the club and have it discussed at the next FRG meetings, please fill in the form here.